CHRYSO® Fluid Optima 224
High range water reducing Superplasticising
The admixture thus induces the following major effects on a concrete mix: Without affecting the consistence, permits a high reduction in the water content of a given concrete mix, without affecting the water content increases the slump/flow considerably or Produces both effects simultaneously

CHRYSO® Plast 900
Water Reducing Plasticiser
The admixture thus induces the following major effects on a concrete mix: Without affecting the consistence (workability), permits a reduction in the water content of a given concrete or Without affecting the water content, increases the slump/flow or Produces both of the above effects simultaneously.

Retardante de início de presa
Aditivo que retarda as reações de hidratação dos cimentos o cobrir, momentaneamente, a superfície dos seus grãos, retardando principalmente, o início de presa, sem afetar em grande medida o final da mesma. Recomendado para betões com grande trabalhabilidade no tempo e com resistências mecânicas elevadas a curto prazo

Set Accelerator
CHRYSO®Xel CV is a chlorinated admixture and is a set accelerator for mortar and concrete. Advantages: is particularly appropriate for precast concrete, its strong accelerating properties make it possible to remove early-age concrete elements from moulds under cold weather, it makes it possible to restrict, or even to stop, drying cycles.

A product which, when applied to porous concrete surfaces, will reduce dusting, improve the impermeability and impart a harder, denser surface to the concrete. CHRYSO®Conseal reacts with the free calcium in the concrete to form insoluble calcium silicate within the pores of the concrete.

CHRYSO® Fluid Optima 206
High range water reducing/superplasticising
admixtureparticularly adapted for use in SCC
The admixture thus induces the following major effects on a concrete mix: Without affecting the consistence, permits a high reduction in the water content of a given concrete mix or Without affecting the water content increases the slump/flow considerably or Produces both effects simultaneously

CHRYSO® Fluid Premia 372
High range water reducing superplasticising
The admixture thus induces the following major effects on a concrete mix: Without affecting the consistence (workability), permits a high reduction in the water content of a given concrete mix or Without affecting the water content, increases the slump/flow considerably or Produces both effects simultaneously

Pore blocking Water Proofer
®Fuge B renders mortar and concrete highly resistant to capillary action and reduces, or even eliminates, infiltration of water under pressure. The fine particles contained in Fuge B combines with the lime in cement to form water repellent particles. These obstruct the capillary action within concrete and prevent water from penetrating.

CHRYSO® Plast Activator +
Plasticiser – Accelerator
A chloride- containing, a triple action admixture, which accelerates, plasticises and entrains air in dry concrete mixes. It increases strengths up to 30% within 24 hours. enhances the flow properties of dry cement mixes dramatically, resulting in a significant reduction in vibration and cycle times. improves the dispersion of the cement particles which improves the final strength and durability of the concrete.

Release agent – Hydrocarbon oil based,
for conventional jobsites
A Hydrocarbon based, recycled delayed release agent for all types of formwork on conventional jobsites only. Not suitable for precast. Advantages: Ideal for formwork suppliers, Easy formwork release - temporarily protects and extends the life of metallic formwork from corrosion, and others.

Air entraining agent
A liquid admixture especially designed to entrain air into concrete and is used to achieve good frost resistance in hardened concrete. Advantages: Increased durability of concrete, Resistance of hardened concrete to potential frost damage and drying shrinkage, Improvement to resistance of de-icing salts, and others

CHRYSO® Plast CM90
Plasticiser for semi-dry concrete
Specifically formulated for optimum performance under the manufacturing conditions encountered in the modern paving and masonry block industry. Its unique formulation improves cement dispersion in semi-dry mixes and produces a rheological flow. This enhances mould filling and compaction, resulting in improvement in pre and final vibration times.

Curing Compound - Low viscosity wax emulsion
Low viscosity white pigmented wax emulsion. This ensures that the emulsion breaks down to form a non-penetrating continuous film immediately upon contact with cementitious surface. This film prevents excessive water evaporation whichpermits more efficient cement hydration and provides a spray or brush applied temporary membrane to retain moisture in concretefor effective curing.